Friday, June 24, 2011


11 weeks sure flew by:
~ i ran that 10K & it went so well, in hindsight i was glad to have the bad run out of my system - who knows why they happen but they do & i am learning to appreciate them because that is when my body is pushing & growing stronger.
~ i worked my long runs up to 12 miles & had time to taper down to 6 miles
~had an awesome visit with my super cool sister & her husband
in 24 hours if everything is going right i should be right around mile 9 with a little over 4 to go.  yesterday i picked up my race packet & bib number at the expo.  the seattle rnr is my first real "big time" race & to say i am starting to feel a little nervous is an understatement.  i will be running with my good friend sara & we are planning on having a good time & just finishing it together.