Thursday, July 7, 2011

RnR Recap

OK - so it was 2 weeks ago already, but I have been busy getting us packed up for J & I's annual summer extravaganza part 1.  I am starting to find that I am forgetting little parts of the race & really I can't let that happen.

The race, was amazing.  I just couldn't believe how happy I was the entire time I was running.  Those first few miles always take my body a little time to settle in.  However once I found that stride a certain part of me just takes over.

Eve of the race: I set out all my clothes, packed my gear check bag, got my Dtag on my shoelaces & double/triple/quadruple checked everything.  I also made the mistake of passing time by reading the medical pamphlet that stated I should eat salt packets after I was done running.  Um - what?? Salt packets... I figure that must be for the really fast Kenyan's... I am pretty much turtle slow in comparison.

I watched this video a few times to laugh through the nerves:

Morning of the race:  Wake up at 4:15 to have my pre-race breakfast of toast with peanut butter & egg+extra egg white scramble.  Make my NuuN & get my trusty hand water bottle ready to go & in the fridge.  Pack my super cute race pack belt with shot blocks & extra pieces of gum & my phone.  And well to also get the bathroom business taken care of, because porta potties are my arch nemesis.

5:15am force Randy & Jack into the car to drive me to the start line where I was meeting up with my running friends.  Hop out of the car in my super awesome pre-race sweats & waaaaayyyy too big fleece zip up that I was "donating" on the course.

Sometime around 6:15am I meet up with my friends at the gear check trucks to check our bags & hope in a porta potty line... sometime around 7:00am we realize we are in the handicapped accessible honey bucket line & we run off to another line.

After that business is taken care of (GROSS!!) we go hop in our corral & wait for our turn to start running. 

8:00am - I realize we are at the start line... I then realize we are in the front of our corral... Um, what?! Wait! I am slow, I should not be in the front.  Start to panic a bit because I forget to run my headphone wire through the pack of my tank top.  Luckily Sara had me put together in no time.  Suddenly we were off & running.

Mile 1: Had to stop to potty - I know but I just got all shy in the potties before the race & couldn't.

Miles 2-3: Pretty much uneventful, we were running through some industrial parts of South Seattle.  As we turned to cross over I-5 I pointed out to Sara some guys that were off under the over pass peeing instead of waiting for the next bunch of honey buckets - dudes, they have it easy that way.

Miles 3-5: We started to run in more of a residential area - uphill.  At the end of this leg you turn down to run down along Lake Washington... my stomach started screaming at me.  I think I ate too early & I was starting to cramp up.  My knee was feeling a little crunchy so I told Sara I was going to have my snack, some NuuN & walk down the hill & would try to catch up.  I got to the bottom of the hill, turned & took off again - searching for Sara's blond ponytail.  I also noticed just how far the I-90 bridge is from Seward Park.

Mile 6:  Whoops! Should have stopped at those porta potties, my stomach was really yelling at me - in fact it was getting pretty shouty/stabby.  However there was no place to stop, so I decided to push through & see if things would settle.  Singing in my head, "Don't poop my pants, don't poop my pants."

Mile 8:  Nope... better pull over & stop.  I hoped in line & noticed the 5 people in front of me didn't have bibs on in fact, they were spectators.  Hey! Jump out of line & let the racers go in front of you.  So there went like 5 minutes.  Took some water & took off running again.  Wonder for a split second if I remembered to tie my shorts... I must have because I didn't flash anyone.

Mile 9:  I start to see the flags for the fallen soldiers & I start to get a little choked up.  The Run to Remember team was really large & it seemed like everywhere I looked I could spot someone running in their group.  We turned to go uphill to catch the access path into the I-90 tunnels.  This is also where the full marathon splits from us half-ers.  They get to run the length of the I-90 bridge before turning back. So into the tunnel I ran & it felt hot & loud.  I decide just to book it through the tunnel & once I see the sign for mile 10 I know I am clear.

Mile 10-11:  I seriously started to question myself for a minute or two.  The doubting thoughts started popping into my head, I wondered for a minute why I was doing this.  Then I passed a walker who had to be close to my old weight.  I remembered why I was doing this, because I can & I always wanted to.  I checked my time, I didn't like it.  I decided I better have the last half of that shot block bar & some more NuuN.  I walked for a few minutes & then that voice in my head said, "Run Kristin it's what you want."  I ran down the off ramp onto 4th AVE & I start scanning for Randy & Jack.  Hey! Hey! I see them, wait I don't think they see me... I got really excited & started jumping up & down & waving my arms.  They saw me - Randy was fiddling with the camera, I think to myself he better have gotten a picture.  I will be so upset if I run this whole thing & there is not one picture I like.  Jack starts screaming, "Go Mom & holds up his sign."

Mile12:  I am starting to feel like I am almost there.  Running on the Viaduct now - up the ramp I spot a runner with a remembrance tshirt saying she is running for her Grammy Helen.  I ran right up to her & told her I had a Grammy Helen too & then kept on going.  It was one of those tingly moments where I feel like Grams is right there with me.  I see her face, her knowing smile & her twinkly eyes & that was all the surge I needed.

Mile 13: !!! Almost there, I just keep thinking to myself, one more mile, pick it up - kick it in - pick up your legs - run faster - push through your glutes.  I turn the corner to run into the finish area & I sprint the whole way.  I see the cameras & think, "Look cute, look up, smile, raise your arms when you cross."

I see the clock & it is 3:00:18  I feel like it is a sign, my first big race & I finish in nearly 3 flat... my first race every I finished in 38:00 flat.  Both not fast by any means, but I did it.

I see my friend in the finish area & we grab bottles of water, Cytomax, bananas & head in to look for Randy & Jack.

After grabbing our gear we do some stretching & get some food in - I finish off a protein bar we walk around some more, I just keep telling myself to keep moving.  We figure out what mile our friend is at on the full course & start heading to the finish line to cheer her on.  I'm in awe over how good I feel.  I mean I feel pumped, totally amped up.  This must be that runners high.  I would now like to apologize to the lady standing next to us as we were cheering... I must have been really loud when I was cheering for .

me, sara & kacie

Post Race:  Sara drove us home as Randy & Jack bussed down from Bellevue rather then deal with parking.  It took us awhile to find her rental car in the garage.  Randy took a nap! I was the one who ran & he napped.  Honestly when we got home I was too amped up to sleep.  I worked on editing some pictures.  Had a peanut butter sandwich & a well deserved beer.  Finally got a 45 min nap in before heading up to Woodinville to meet Sara for a post race burger at Teddys.

Will I do it again? I am already committing to another half  on Labor Day.  It's not so much that I am addicted, I think it is that I figured out how to have my cake... and eat it too.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome!!! What a amazing accomplishment, it had me laughing and crying. I know Grammie was with you, she would just smile.
