I've been quiet, not much to report. Pretty stable over here which is good. The unit has calmed back down & it appears that most of the rooms are available again. It's getting harder being away from home. Last night the boys took me on my usual evening wheelchair stroll & I was a little shocked how this has become our new normal. It's interesting how that happens so quickly in life; you start a new routine and then a week or so goes by & suddenly this is your normal life.
Tomorrow will be 34 weeks officially. I can't believe we've made it. Not sure what we will do for our 34 week party this week - I've been wanting ice cream & if there is ever a time when I can justify eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's, I think it's now, providing Randy can find me some chubby hubby - peanut butter filled pretzels, I say yes please. (To my personal trainer & dietitian friends, don't worry this won't become my new normal) Tomorrow I will have some blood work done to make sure I'm not showing any soft signs of infection that aren't showing up in my daily vital checks. Friday I will have my weekly ultrasound to check my fluid levels. There is also a possibility of an amnio if my fluid pockets are large enough. My Dr would like to double check Max's lung maturity & apparently they can do this be testing the amniotic fluid. As long as everything looks fine the plan is to now push to 35 weeks.
Today I learned some news about a close childhood friend that has me thinking about how lucky I am in this situation. It's something every woman can relate to - as soon as you see that little plus sign, your heart is instantly filled with joy (and maybe some shock & awe & quite possibly a little fear) & to have that come to a heart breaking end has got to be earth shattering. I know several women that have struggled with loss & it's amazing to me how they move on to another day. Their strength inspires me & pushes me towards another day. So today my dear friend is in my thoughts & my prayers & I know that I can do this because honestly my walk is so much easier then the path she is on right now.
I've been working away on my cross stitch project. I have 3 letters completed... I forgot how long it takes to make all those little x's. But it is passing the time & I don't seem to notice how long the days are. I guess little Max is going to have to stay put until the 17th so I have time to finish up & get it framed for his room.
Glad you and Max are well :) Ben and Jerry's sounds Yummy!