Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hospital Update Day 2:

Pretty uneventful today.  Which is great considering the situation.  We are just hanging out in the hospital room.  Jack is watching all the cable cartoons he can suck in as we don't have cable at home.  Randy is relaxing & I am trying to rule the world from my laptop & phone.  All is going well.

This morning I got to stand & give myself a little bath at the sink - it was pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie.  There is promise of an actual shower tonight & I am pretty pumped.  I think I am going to teach Jack how to flat iron my hair, who thinks this will end poorly?  At least in the hospital no one will say anything if there is a burned off chunk of my hair missing... right? Next week he might learn the fine art of giving his mother a manicure & pedicure.  Don't think I won't.

Max is still doing great, heart rate is still in the 120's - 140's & just chugging right along.  Hopefully he is in there sucking up all the food I have been eating & getting some chub on him.  I am planning on having the chubbiest preemie in the NICU.  I am feeling pretty good even though I am stuck in this bed.

* Met with the Dr on call from our service this morning, she was pleased with Max's weight from yesterday's ultrasound as well as everything else that we saw
* We will be moving to the Antepartum floor sometime today where it is apparently a promise land of better snacks, a special menu to order from & a mythical arts & crafts room
* Once I come off the Magnesium drip I will not have to be constantly monitored which means I will be able to get up & move around more then just bathroom privileges
* Last night I was actually able to sleep for about 10 hours on & off
* Contractions have all but stopped.  I have had a few today but they have had no intensity to them for the most part & only last 10-15 seconds.

Thank you for all the well wishes & support!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things are going well. And think of the lucky lady who will later on benefit from Jack's hair and nail skills!
