Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hospital Day 6:

It's a day late - but Randy hijacked the laptop from me last night.  Something about having to work...

I slept through the night & slept so hard I actually had some crazy pregnancy dreams throughout the night.  I take that as a good sign.  It was also another contraction free night.

I met another one of the Dr's in the group we are seeing now.  So far I have been pretty impressed with each of them in their own way.  Every time I meet with another Dr or RN here I am constantly reassured that we made the right choice to switch providers.  We talked a little bit about what my labor process could possibly be like - it's possible that if I make it far enough along I could still have one of the Certified Nurse Midwives in their practice deliver the baby with an OB doc present in the room in case they need to step in & take over.  That gives me hope that I might actually get to have the experience I would like to have.  However my main concern right now is that we end up with a healthy little boy in the end - how he gets here really doesn't matter too much.  It just matters that he gets here & is as healthy as he can be.  Everyday I am on bed rest we are one day closer to that goal.

Emotionally I am better, I think I needed to go through the yucky stuff, to face the fear of the unknown so I could move past it. 

We had some surprise visitors yesterday for the afternoon - it was wonderful.  Sometimes you are lucky enough in life to have that one person who has seen you through all the shit & knows you at your best & your worst & that person still chooses to be in your life.  If you are really lucky - you have a few of these people.  I am count myself pretty lucky.  They came up & spent the afternoon, it was great to get my mind off things, to laugh & to catch up on all the gossip. 

Thankful for's:
*Realized that there are other mothers who have it much worse then I do - if I have to live 2 weeks on a bed to get my baby, that is nothing compared to what some families have to go through.
*We moved to a new room in the night with a view where I am supposed to be able to see the sunset - if the sun ever comes out to in fact, set.

Funny story that has kept me giggling:
I have had a few nosebleeds because of the dry recycled air in the hospital (I actually have 2 humidifiers running in my room). 
I got up to make trip number 37 of 50 to the bathroom for the day - I'm drinking approx 90oz of water a day & found myself in a situation that can really define the type of marriage you have.  I am pretty sure after this, Randy & I can make it through anything.  I ended up with a nosebleed while taking care of business.  This is when you know that your body likes playing funny jokes on you.  This is also when you know what kind of man you have married.  I called for Randy as I was trying to stop the bleeding - he walked in & said, "oh honey, you are one hot mess." Laughter in moments like that is all you can really count on.  We decided the best course of action was for him to hold my nose & for me to take care of the other end.  Then came the big decision - how were we to get my pants up.  It was a tag team effort, but we finally got me decently attired.  It might be the only time in our married life where he appreciated the fact that I was wearing "lounge" pants without any kind of buttons, ties or zippers.

1 comment:

  1. I love how awesome our husbands are when we are less than lovely. :) Praying for you now, keep positive, God will take care of you and your baby Max:)
