Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hopital Day 10:

Or otherwise known as the day I officially became BORED.  It's gorgeous here in Seattle today - perfect spring day, the kind of day you want to spend hanging outside.  Ideally we would have grilled something for dinner, ate on the deck & then gone down to the waterfront for some gelato & a nice stroll.  Randy did bring me that iced latte & we did sit out on the patio in the sun for a little while this afternoon.  I am thankful that we moved rooms - the sun streams in so perfectly in the late afternoon.  I envision some afternoon naps in the sun this week.  It is pretty frustrating not to be able to just go out when I want.

Not many changes to report today - still same old boring patient here.  No contractions except for a few random ones throughout the day, a little leaking but nothing to be worried about.  A nurse described it like getting a whole in one of those soft side swimming pools, once it's popped it's popped.  I liked that analogy.

Randy managed to get through the craft store shopping & locate the items I need to start my cross stitch project for Max's room.  I did get an email from him with about 10 pictures of needles wondering which ones he should get - thankfully we live in the world of smart phones so I was able to talk him through what I needed.

Can I just say hospital food - yuck.  Somethings are OK, but when it is bad, it is really bad.  I've been here through a full week's breakfast cycle.  There are 3 days that are OK the rest is pretty awful.  Thankfully I have requested to get a side of oatmeal & a banana every morning.  I mix in a packet of peanut butter & slice the bananas into it.  It's pretty good - but I do miss my Trader Joes peanut butter, I've been a natural peanut butter gal for years.

Randy can bring in anything for me - but usually it's just easier to order one of the choices here.  It's one less thing for him to worry about.

Thankful for's:
*Sunshine streaming into my room, maybe I need some little sun catchers in here?
*Getting outside & feeling the sun warm my skin
*Shaving my legs - I was afraid I was going to surpass Randy's leg hair in a few days, I feel much better about myself
*A friend taking the time to take me on a picture text tour of her garden & yard - I don't think she knew tears were streaming down my face as I was thinking about how alone I was feeling in that moment.  It lifted me up & reminded me of the beauty in people.

Looking forward to's:
*Starting my cross stitch project tomorrow
*Real Housewives of NJ tonight & my new found love - TLC's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.  Don't judge my options in entertainment are pretty limited

1 comment:

  1. I guess boring is good currently! Hold in there, only a couple weeks left, soo worth it for baby Max!! I somewhat know how you feel, I was on partial bed rest for 5 weeks with my baby girl because her head was pressed against my spine and it was incredibly painful. She came a week early but she was healthy as can be at 8 lbs 1 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. Still think they had my due date wrong, haha. Still praying for you, I know the hospital food sucks, wish I lived in Seattle, I would bring you some snacks :)
